The Mission is the Key – Michael M. Davis

For over 20 years, Michael M. “Mike” Davis has served the Friends of the Cabildo (FOC) as a member. He has seen firsthand the impact the Friends has made on education and culture in the region.
“From our first days many years ago, we have grown from becoming a watchdog of the Louisiana State Museums in New Orleans to becoming a major donor and fundraiser for the museums,” says Mike, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Louisiana State Museum system.
Mike says that the growth in both membership and volunteers has contributed to the increase in impact. Many of the museum exhibits and successful FOC programs would not be possible without the financial support of the members.
“We have brought attention from the shortfalls and pitfalls of the museum system to becoming one of its biggest supporters both financially and programmatically,” says Mike. “We have one of the most respected walking tour guide programs in the city; we supply museum guides; we have become known for our concert series, special events such as Ghostly Gallivant, museum store, and other fundraising events. None of our successes would be possible without our active membership.”
It is not only the financial support of the members that contributes to this success, says Mike. The members’ passion, knowledge, and expertise fuel the success of the organization. Unlike other charitable organizations, the Friends stand apart as a vibrant group of dedicated volunteers.
“Any successful non-profit organization is only successful if two major components are present. First, there must be a large and continually growing membership. And second, there must be a vibrant and multi-talented volunteer corps,” says Mike. “The Friends of the Cabildo is successful in both of these areas, but growth in new memberships and new volunteers is always needed.”
Mike looks forward to continued growth and impact from the Friends in the coming years. He hopes more community members will join the group and contribute their passion and talent to the organization.